# Objectives
# 1. Be very comfortable with bitwise operators, particularly XOR
# 2. Understand how to use masks and create them in a machine independent way
# 3. Know the fast ways to clear the lowermost set bit (and by extension, set the lowermost 0, get its index etc.)
# 4. Understand signedness and its implications to shifting
# 5. Consider using a cache to accelerate operations by using it to brute-force small inputs
# 6. Be aware that commutativity and associativity can be used to perform operations in parallel and reorder operations
class Bitwise():
def swapXor(self, x:int, y:int) -> int:
x ^= y
y ^= x
x ^= y
# otherwise, x,y = y,x
return (x,y)
def count_bits(self, c):
num_bits = 0
while c:
c >>= 1
num_bits += c & 1
return num_bits
def parity_naive(self, x):
result = 0
result ^= x & 1
x >>= 1
# print(x, result)
return result
def parity_op(self, x):
#O(k) for k bits set to 1 in word
result = 0
while x:
result ^= 1
x &= x-1 #drops the lowest set bit of x
return result
b = Bitwise()
print('left shift is same as *2\t--->',(2<<1))
print('right shift is same as /2\t--->',2>>1)
print('Swap Bits\t\t\t\t\t--->', b.swapXor(100, 200))
print('Count Bits\t\t\t\t\t--->', b.count_bits(900000))
print('Parity Check Brute Force\t--->', b.parity_naive(121))
print('Parity Check Optimised\t\t--->', b.parity_op(1111))